You can run some super fancy code with it like:
execute immediate 'select 1 from dual' into w_variable;or
declare column varchar2(15) :='name'; table_name varchar2(15) := 'test_table'; begin execute immediate 'select ' || column || ' from ' || table_name; end;
which is still not impressive enough to surprise even not-pl/sql developer, you can easily achieve this by using sys_refcursor.
Basically you can run any kind of code in this block. Only thing you have to remember - this is anymous blok. There is no straight-access to fields of surrounding code. So if you need to set dynamically some fields of type you should do it like this:
execute immediate ' declare some_type SOME_TYPE; begin some_type := :1; '|| 'some_type.' || field_name || ' := ''' || column_value ||'''; :2 :=some_type; end;' using in SELF, out SELF;
You need to declare field of type SOME_TYPE in this block, otherwise it wont work.
Execute immediate can be used to create types, packages etc dynamically - so its really powerful when you require such a functionality.
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